Venice is amazing. Lets just start with that, and get it out of the way. Beyond the incredible history and culture congregated here in this (relatively) small set of islands, I am amazed at how modern this town is within its ancient structure. The buildings have lasted for centuries, yet the shops are new and modern and impressive. From eateries to clothing shops to the hundreds of tourist traps scattered all around the districts, Venice is alive and vibrant in its own, unique way. . .this city is unlike any other in the world. . .at least I think it is.
K and I took a trip off the main islands to visit Murano and Burano today. . .Burano was gorgeous, but ultimately boring, nothing to do no where to go. Murano, however, was fascinating. The island is known for its spectacular glassblowing, and spectacular it is. . .artisans from all over have attempted to copy their work, and most fail miserably. Quality work, and very nice people. I bought a pair of stunning wineglasses for myself (as I have no wineglasses), and I am going to be very pleased with them. I couldn't get the set I wanted, because it was €280, plus shipping. Waaaaaaay too much.
The hostel I am currently typing in now is pretty darn spiffy. . .breakfast included, which was a wonderful thing to wake up to, and our rooms are spacious enough and quiet enough. Most of all, the place seems very secure. Lockers and separate keys for all its patrons. . .a very nice hostel.
K has proposed Rome as our next big stop on our Italian tour. We have at least one more day here in Venice, perhaps two, and then to the southern part of the country. I suggested taking a night train some time, just to try it out, and (tentatively) we have a night trip planned from Naples to Milan, when we return to the northern half of the trip, near the end of our journey. A sleeping car, and relaxation to the chugga-chugga. . .romatic? Perhaps. . .
P.S. - Wireless access is IMPOSSIBLE to find here in Europe. I was under the impression that wireless coverage would be expansive, but it is instead difficult to find and incredibly expensive. Bummer.
I wish I were there! Sounds beautiful. Are you visiting the Piazza San Marco and the grand canal? Enjoy your day! Love your posts.